Code your products with one of our curated playlists designed to promote feelings of focus, energy, relaxation, love, balance, and much more. Connect on a deeper level with your consumers and increase brand loyalty by adding GoMo Music to your product.

Connecting to Your Daily Rhythm
Pairing music and sound with daily activities enhances and deepens the overall experience.
Consider the ‘must do’ daily activities that become mundane to us all—then add music to amp them up! Products can be coded with music and meditations that are easily accessed via QR code scan or keyword entry. Imagine the possibilities...

Incorporating Music Into Life Activities
Anchoring Technology cognitively connects desired actions with existing everyday activities. By incorporating GoMo Music into daily schedules and ‘anchoring’ it to existing activities, we connect new desired actions to current positive routines motivating people through the cognitive recognition of sound applied during the experience.
Environment of Need technology, integrating GoMo Music into existing activities enables participants to seamlessly engage with their devices with virtually no recognized interruption to current daily routines.